A year and a half ago I came up with an idea, Testosterone, The New Drug Addiction. I knew I was on to something. As I was doing my research,Read More
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” -Albert Einstein Gotta love the words of wisdom of Albert Einstein. To be of value is my drivingRead More
Well, finally, the FDA is requiring warning labels on prescription testosterone products for MEN but what about warning labels for women? Yesterday the FDA updated its Drug Safety CommunicationRead More
Ten Things to Do During 2015 to Increase Your Testosterone Naturally This isn’t just for men. Women have some testosterone, too, so to every one of you, “Go Nads!” HopeRead More
Happy New Year! 2014 was a fascinating year. Everywhere I went I met people who have been affected by testosterone replacement therapy, are either on TRT or know someone whoRead More
Sex Hormone Craziness A Look at Historical Testosterone Replacement Therapy For anyone who cares about what they put into their bodies, here’s a little bit of history. When it comesRead More
What is Recovery? We recover from illness, accidents, surgery, divorce, financial loss, drugs, alcohol dependence, and various other life situations. Recovery is defined as, the act or process of becomingRead More
Over the summer, my Mom called and said, with that that investigative reporter tone of hers. “Lisa I just heard this advertisement for the Taylor Hooton Foundation and theyRead More
Tis the season to be thankful. This Thanksgiving I am filled with more gratitude than ever before. I am grateful for my testosterone tragedy becauseRead More
This is a step in the right direction. I wonder if we will see a rise in women being diagnosed with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder? Let’s hope not. Love & Miracles,Read More