December, 2014
Sex Hormone Craziness

Sex Hormone Craziness A Look at Historical Testosterone Replacement Therapy For anyone who cares about what they put into their bodies, here’s a little bit of history. When it comes to the word testosterone, sex is the next word that comes to mind. Today’s constantly advertised low T craze and testosterone for women has come and gone for years. But be careful, if not BEWARE. Back in 1918 a so-called doctor John R. Brinkley came to Milford, Kansas and with good intentions treated many flu victims with great success. However,Read More
Testosterone Recovery

What is Recovery? We recover from illness, accidents, surgery, divorce, financial loss, drugs, alcohol dependence, and various other life situations. Recovery is defined as, the act or process of becoming healthy after an illness or injury and returning to a normal state. We all experience some form of recovery throughout our life and Testosterone or Anabolic Steroid Recovery is not new, it has been around for years. Recovering from testosterone replacement therapy, or anabolic steroids, put the test of free will in front of me as challenging as Jonah inRead More
A Teenage Tragedy

Over the summer, my Mom called and said, with that that investigative reporter tone of hers. “Lisa I just heard this advertisement for the Taylor Hooton Foundation and they were talking about teens and steroids, you need to find out what they are all about.” Don Hooton and his family started the Taylor Hooton Foundation in 2004. The purpose is to educate teens and parents about performance enhancing drugs and anabolic steroid use amongst teenage athletes. You see, their son Taylor, an athlete, passed away from taking performance-enhancing drugs. Read More